16 April 2010


"Kristo amefufuka!"
"Amefufuka kweli Kweli! Alleluia! Amen!!"
This little tongue twister is the familiar words of Easter Sunday—
"Christ is risen!"
"He is risen indeed! Alleluia!" Amen!
-as spoken in the Swahili language here in Tanzania.

On Siku ya Pasaka—the day of Easter—there were two wonderful two–hour worship services with the Bishop of the Diocese delivering the sermon. The Choirs, who had (tried) to tone down their dancing for Good Friday, were back in force. On a bit of a sad note (for someone from the Church in America), there were no horns for Easter Sunday, so I must admit we did miss the brass. The children were back again, impressively calling out there verses from the resurrection story. Both services were well attended. Afterward, Susie went with Barbara (another American missionary) to have a traditional American pancake breakfast, while I stayed and had beef and cooked bananas with the bishop. I'm not sure who got the better deal, but it was a happy Easter!

1 Responses (Leave a Comment):

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful celebration! We did get to enjoy the brass on Easter Sunday, thanks to Scott. Sounds like you had a really nice Easter and I am glad. We sure do miss you here!

We are all pretty excited to actually see the remodeling project getting underway. There are trailers moving in, spray paint markings on the pavement, areas roped off and even some earth that has been broken up a little, probably from the ground-breaking ceremoney, which I was not at. Anyway, very exciting!

We look forward to hearing from you again soon!

Blessings...as always!
