16 April 2010

Jumatatu ya Pasaka

Finally, on Jumatatu ya Pasaka—Easter Monday—there was yet another worship service dedicated especially to baptisms. Again I was asked to help with pastoral duties and wound up baptizing nine children. This was also a joy-filled worship service. It felt like a continuation of the festivity of Sunday. It lasted 2 and a half hours.
So, in summary, after nearly 14 hours of worship, we admittedly were ready for Tuesday’s rest. Yet, we were impressed and touched by the Holy Week experience at Bungo Cathedral in Morogoro. It was good, as it always is, to walk through the story of Christ’s passion and resurrection—to reflect upon the great truths of life and death, sin and forgiveness. It was neat to see how this culture celebrates in unity with the whole church in heaven and on earth.
From here in Tanzania, we wish you the hope of the resurrection: may God bring renewal into your life, today and always. Amemfufuka! Amen!

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