16 April 2010

Ijumaa Kuu

Ijumaa Kuu—Good Friday-the day of Christ’s crucifixion, we were surprised to see, was nearly as big of a day as Easter Sunday-with almost the same number of people in attendance. It was definitely the most elaborate of the services as there were many happenings throughout. In addition to the sermon, hymn singing and the customary choirs (all three of them sang at all of the worship services), there was additional young childrens' choir, who sang and then individually recited from memory verses from the Passion story in an enthusiastic way. There were also two dramas presented (one which included the children) discussing the spiritual significance of Christ’s death at the hands of sinners, for the sake of sinners. This service lasted 3 and half hours. The majority of the Tanzanians wore black to signify mourning, but they just couldn't keep from dancing.

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