This week marks our one year anniversary of our arrival in Tanzania. 365 days ago, we had moved out of our house, sold our car, and packed a few belongings into our suitcases that we would bring with us on our journey to Africa. As we look back at the year, we have had quite an adventure indeed! Filled with both challenges and joy, our experience has been rich. Here are a few highlights from our first year.
Language School – we attended language school in Arusha (northern Tanzania) for three weeks and continued language studies in Morogoro for two more months after that. We made great friends during that time and learned the Swahili language and the customs for the area.
Weekend in Parakuyo – A pastor from a nearby Maasai congregation invited us to spend the weekend in his village. We accepted, and it was a great opportunity to practice our language skills. Most of our time was spent under a tree visiting with the people, but we were also able to visit some bomas (homes) and witness typical life in a Maasai village. We were amazed at how women are able to do anything with a baby on their back – even milk a cow!

Village Visits – Much of our time has been spent visiting the villages in the region. We have been able to participate in baptisms, weddings, fundraisers, church openings, and many other occasions! The music never disappoints, and the hospitality is incredible.

Josh preached his first sermon in Swahili under the shade of a mango tree.

In May we were able to fly to South Africa, rent a car, and road trip through South Africa, Namibia, and Botswana. It was a great opportunity to experience more of Africa and recharge for our work here.
The Theological Education by Extension (TEE) is up and running! Josh is the TEE coordinator and the program has been well-received.
We met the President of Tanzania at a fundraiser for a new school in the diocese.

I began teaching English (in Swahili) at a local Kindergarten.

We have learned the fair price for produce at the market, how to cook with limited groceries, and how to wash our laundry by hand.

Josh’s parents were able to visit! What a great end to our first year.
5 Responses:
Thanks for the Year in Review. The twitter account (@joshandsue) I set up for you guys worked perfectly and I got a Tweet to my phone after you posted. Miss you guys! Hope the next year goes as well.
Love, Dan
Wow! Thanks for the great pictures and update. I especially love the picture of the little ones, but all of the pictures are great! Seems hard to believe it has been a year already. The older I get the faster time seems to pass me by.
I am so happy that you were able to have some family come to visit, pretty special! If I were rich, had more time and loved to travel overseas, I would come say hi. Guess I won't be seeing you anytime soon, so I will continue to look forward to your posts.
Please continue to take care of yourselves and I will hope to see you again sometime when you make it back to the States.
God Bless!!
Jodi Wentz
Jodi Wentz
Love the pictures! Sue, you look so cute with that flower! Miss you both and so excited to see you in a year. Love you!
Great posting - everything looks so familiar! Think of you both often. Planning another medical team the first 2 weeks of July 2011. Looking forward to spending time with you again.
Cindy Pennie
Stillwater, OK
Sounds like you have had a great year. Thanks for the update.
-- Arlyn Norris, pastor
St. Paul Lutheran Church
410 Maple Drive
Treynor, Iowa 51575
Office: 712-487-3880
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