09 July 2010

We're Back: A New Chapter!

Drenched at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Some of you have inquired as to why we've been absent from our blog for such a long while. For this delay, we do apologize. In May we spent time on vacation in Southern Africa (which perhaps we should have warned you about ahead of time), and before that we were, I admit, preoccupied with moving into our new house in town!

For approximately 5 months prior to this move, we were still living on the campus of the Lutheran Junior Seminary located several miles outside of town. Now, with the move into the city limits of Morogoro as well as the arrival of Haus (see the last blog entry), we feel like we’ve got a new lease on life. That is to say everything has suddenly gotten a lot less cumbersome for us. We will be much closer to shopping at the market as well as to my work at the Morogoro Diocese office and to everything the town has to offer. And for now, much less public transportation.

As much as we have enjoyed the experience of condensed humanity on the daladala (the minivans used for public transport), here begins a new chapter.

2 Responses:

Aaron W. said...

Did you go to Devil's Pool?!?

Tara said...

It's great to see your faces! Can't wait to see more pictures from your adventures. We're so happy you are finally settled in. Love and miss you! ~Tara, Neil, and Eleanor