21 January 2010

Over the river and through the mud...

Last Sunday we were planning on attending church in a village. No problem, right? We’ve done this many times by now. While every village visit is a unique experience, this one proved there is sometimes more adventure in the journey than planned.

Our journey began quite uneventfully as we set out on the highway. The car was filled with pleasant conversation and the mood was light. When we turned off the highway, the roads were no longer smooth sailing. We made it through a few muddy patches when some women tried warning us that there was water ahead. We took note of their warning, glad that we had 4-wheel drive, and continued on for a very short distance. At this point, it was hard to tell where the road was, so Luka (the driver and evangelist) and Heri, a pastor we had picked up along the way, got out to see if there was any way we could get through the mud. There was no way, so we decided to try the other road. Not far into our journey on the other road we encountered the same problem and were soon stuck. Luckily, many villagers came to our rescue and helped us push the car out.

The road was impassable, so if we were going to make it to church, we were going to walk. This is when the true journey began. While the distance wasn’t far (maybe 1-2 miles?) the fellowship was great. What a bonding experience literally walking with these people.

When we arrived at the village, we were welcomed with great enthusiasm (and, of course, tea!) Church was under a tree, and a beautiful one at that.

While we were enjoying tea, we could see rain far in the distance. Knowing that it was going to hit during the service, we switched to a different tree and began. What happens when it rains during a service under a tree, you might ask? Everyone gets wet. Drenched, actually. The spirit of this congregation wasn’t dampened (pun intended) though. The singing was as vibrant at the end of the service as at the beginning. It all continued – even though the offering was sopping wet, it was still given. Communion wafers a bit soggy? No problem. It was a memorable occasion indeed.

If we thought it was muddy on our way to church, it was nothing compared to our walk home! The small stream we crossed on the way seemed like a raging river on the return trip. Our new friends walked us the entire way back to the car – giving a helping hand through the especially slippery or challenging parts, laughing together and enjoying the experience.

At the end of the day, we were drenched, muddy, and left thinking wow, life is great.

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