29 November 2009


It has already been five weeks since we sojourned south from Arusha, approximately nine hour’s drive time to city of Morogoro. Morogoro, Tanzania—our new home—sprawls along the foot of the jutting Uluguru Mountains. Morogoro is a bustling city, not at all touristy like Arusha; and without the metropolitan feel of Dar-es-Salaam. Mud houses not far outside of town, and goats not uncommon within, this town is authentic Africa.

The people on the streets tend to be courteous and friendly here. They show a general interest in visitors (wageni), but are not overbearing. Unlike Arusha, we have noticed that English is much less common and fluent, so Swahili will be a practical necessity for us to live here. Thus, we have enrolled in our second language training at the Junior Seminary where we currently reside.

(The picture is of the dalla dalla station in downtown Morogoro)

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