26 September 2009

We Made It!!!

After years of prayer, months of preparation and waiting, four flights and a nine hour time change, we have finally arrived in Tanzania!!! It is great to be here.
We were greeted at the airport by the ELCA Regional Representatives, Bob and JMe Lowden, and they have been treating us very well. They have helped us find the bank and the cell phone shop; they have introduced us to many people and given us many helpful insights into the language and culture.
We have been welcomed repeatedly, "Karibu!" by the friendly Tanzanian people. It will be so meaningful to begin language training, which starts on Monday, so that we are better able to make relationships and get to know people.

Salama (peace)

10 Responses:

Becky C said...

I'm glad you made it safely. I know you're going to have great stories to tell when you come back. Praying for your safety.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue and Josh,
Your blog is great! It will mean a lot to keep in touch this way. Today I bought a small Swahili dictionary and phrase book so I can learn a little about the language. Kwa heri!
Aunt Shirley

Genevieve Gwynne said...
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Heather said...

Yay for safe travels!

Now, let the adventure commence in full!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're in our prayers,
Sadrac y Heather

Petra said...

So glad you arrived without major incidents. Susie, hope you felt o.k. Hope you will make many new friends. Blessings,

Godsadventureroad said...

hallelujah! I am so happy you two made it! Congrats. God shall take care of you, always and in all things. So glad he does it for me too :)
His best!

Lori Lara said...

I'm glad you are doing well and arrived safely. I can't wait to hear more!! Keep in touch and take lots of pictures!!

sheriom said...

I'm so glad you made it. We miss you terribly here, but I bet they're thrilled to have you there. Best wishes are being sent your way every day, can you feel 'em? And you thought it was the first tinge of malaria...

Alice said...

It is good to know you made it without incident. You are going to have a lot of adventures and we want to hear about them all. I know you are going to be really busy learning the new language and making new friends. We will be looking for news from you whenever you get a chance to post it. LOVE YOU BOTH - Alice & Thad

Sandy said...

We miss you a great deal. Glad to know you are safely there. I am sure you are a lot warmer than us.
Have fun learning the new language and making new friends. Sandy