15 September 2009

We Have Tickets

Although it is still hard for us to believe, it is starting to feel official. As our airline tickets arrived in the mail last week, with them came the clear sense that what we've only been able to think and dream about is finally becoming our reality. Our departure date is September 22nd, so we have a deadline and a steadily shrinking "to do" list. We also found out that our Work Permit for residency in Tanzania has come through and that we should receive it on Monday. Just in time.
Now, we have to pack.

5 Responses:

Heather said...

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! That's awesome!

Go in grace...

Jodi Wentz said...

It was great to hear from you and know where you are at in your journey. You have both been thought of and prayed for OFTEN by the church and by my family personally. We miss you and and wish you continued blessings! We will be anxious to hear from you once you have arrived and are settled. Send cool pictures (very nice pictures of two of you by the way)!

Take care and God bless you both.

Jodi Wentz

Unknown said...

May God bless and keep you as you travel to your new life! Know that you are in the prayers of the people of the Montana Synod.

Bishop Jessica Crist

Becky C said...

We're thinking of you. I know you're leaving today, so good luck!!!

Petra said...

Hopefully you will have arrived safely and without major complications in Morogoro. Praying that your living quarters are nice and comfy (and insect free:))Hope to hear from you soon, Petra:)